Elliston Hotel Motel – Lease – SOLD
The only hotel in the beautiful seaside town of Elliston. This hotel is easily run with high turnover and very good profitability. It would suit a husband and wife team or family.
Elliston is a popular town with the locals, surrounding farmers and fisherman and the many holidaymakers visiting its beautiful safe beaches and great fishing areas. The West Coast is famous for its great seafood and pristine waters and coastlines. The local population of 380 swells to 1,500 in the holiday season. The town boast a R-12 school, hospital, supermarket, football club and many other services.
The hotel has good sized front bar leading out to a large popular beer garden. The large modern dining room backs onto the front bar for easy management as does the 6 gaming machine room.
The hotel has 2 excellent modern motel rooms and 4 hotel rooms for public accommodation as well as a large managers flat.
All this is well supported by a good commercial kitchen and plenty of storage and cold rooms.