Robertstown Hotel – Freehold & Business – SOLD
This is a popular “family hotel” which would suit the first time publican or those looking for a “tree change”. Only 100km North of Adelaide. This town has a strong community spirit and is well supported by the townspeople, surrounding farming population and sporting teams. The hotel is the social hub for the area.
The hotel is close to the Burra George tourist attraction and obtains tourist traffic from people taking the road through to Burra.
The hotel has an attractive beer garden, good bar with open fireplace, lounge bar with pool table, dining room, kitchen, plenty of storage, private accommodation of 4 bedrooms, fenced yard with stable and more shedding. The hotel sits on 3,939 square meters of land with a large well fenced yard. The adjoining block of vacant land covering 4,433 is also available at an extra cost.
A profitable easy to run hotel for those looking to raise the family in a good country atmosphere not too far from Adelaide – or those looking for a “tree change”.